Специальный багаж

The charge of Special baggage for domestic flights

Special baggage categories Special baggage for domestic flights
Whether it is included in the free baggage allowance Charge per piece
Golf, ski equipment (excluding sleds) 1.The size of special luggage after packaging is within the limit of 40 * 60 * 100 centimeters for regular luggage,can be included in the free baggage allowance;The excess of free baggage allowance will be charged based on the regular excess baggage fee;
2.If the size after packaging is greater than 40 * 60 * 100 centimeters, the price of each piece will be charged according to the special baggage fee standard;
3.Baggage with a single weight greater than 32KG(Carriage after approval by Hainan Airlines)
Musical instruments, bicycles, fishing equipment, archery equipment, diving equipment, bowling equipment, camping equipment, poles, javelins, hockey/lacrosse equipment and sports and sports equipment not mentioned
Sledding, surfboards/wave boards, kayaks, hang gliding equipment, canoes, kayaks, poles, windsurfing It does not count in the free baggage allowance

The charge of Special baggage for international flights

Special baggage categories Special baggage for international flights
Whether it is included in the free baggage allowance Excess baggage types Restrictions Charge per piece
Golf, ski equipment (excluding sleds) Only 1 piece can be included in the free baggage allowance:The total weight of the items does not exceed 23 kg and the sum of the three sides does not exceed 158 cm (62 inches overweight

The weight of one single baggage is less than or equal to 23kg

will be charged according to the normal excess baggage fee


1200CNY per piece

32KG<W≦45kg(Carriage after approval by Hainan Airlines)

2000CNY per piece


The first piece in excess of the baggage allowance

A fee of 50% of the normal charge for the first piece of excess baggage will be charged.

The second or above pieces in excess of the baggage allowance

will be charged according to the normal excess baggage fee


The longest side is greater than 158 cm and less than or equal to 203 cm

1200CNY per piece

The length of the longest side is greater than 203 cm.(Carriage after approval by Hainan Airlines)

2000CNY per piece

Оборудование для стрельбы из лука

  • Лук и стрелы должны быть обязательно упакованы в специальный прочный и твердый контейнер для транспортировки.
  • Оборудование для стрельбы из лука должно быть упаковано в жесткую тару. В ином случае Hainan Airlines не несет ответственности за повреждение багажа и не осуществляет компенсации.
  • Образцы тары допустимой к перевозке: 
    Bow case

                  Тара для лука

    Archery box on wheels

            Тара для лука на колесах

Сани и лыжное оснащение

  • Образцы тары допустимой к перевозке:
    Ski bag and boots bag

Рыболовные принадлежности

  • Набор надлежащим образом упакованных рыболовных снастей в количестве не более двух рыболовных столбов, свитка, копировальная сетка, пара рыболовных туфель и ящик для рыболовных снастей
  • Удочки, садок, рыболовная сеть, сапоги с высокими голенищами должны храниться в прочных контейнерах с жесткой поверхностью, специально предназначенных для транспортировки. Если упаковка выполнена из других материалов, на багаже необходимо разместить уведомление об освобождении от ответственности (оформляется при получении посадочного талона), и авиакомпании Hainan Airlines и Grand China Air не будут нести ответственности за повреждение рыболовных принадлежностей, и при их доставке не может быть применена объявленная ценность.
  • В багаж принимаются сумки с рыболовными принадлежностями
    A hard sided case and a traveling bag

Оснащение для дайвинга

  • Все оснащение для перевозки должно быть упаковано в специальный жесткий контейнер. Если другие упаковочные материалы, в таком случаи вешается багажный лист о снятии ответственности (выполняется при получении посадочного талона), Хайнаньские авиалинии не осуществляют компенсацию для этого багажа.
  • Образцы ящиков допустимых для перевозки: рюкзак, который затягивается веревкой, ручная сумка, сумка на колесиках, брезентовый рюкзак.
    A backpack with a rope at its opening, a handbag, a haversack and a wheel package

Оснащение для хоккея/лакросса

  • Хоккейная клюшка или сачок для лакросса должны быть упакованы в специально приспособленном для перевозки прочный и жесткий контейнер. Если не упакована в такой контейнер, то клеится пункт о снятии ответственности за багаж, Хайнаньская авиалиния не может потом осуществить выплату компенсации этому багажу, и нет способа осуществить оплату заявленной цены багажа.
  • Образцы ящиков допустимых к перевозке: сумка на колесика или рюкзак, сумка для лакросса.
    A wheel bag or a backpack and a lacrosse bag

Доска для серфинга

  • В процессе перевозки доски для серфинга, Хайнаньская авиалиния не несет ответственность за порчу сумки для серфинга, если она не была упакована в прочный ящик, доска для серфинга перевозится без возможности оплаты заявленной цены багажа.
  • Образцы ящиков допустимых к перевозке: общая сумка, сумка для серфинга.
    A bag used by a team of people and a bag for wave-skiing boards

Оборудование для игр с мячом

  • Включает: мяч для гандбола, мяч для ватерполо, теннисный мяч, бейсбольный мяч, волан, футбольный мяч, баскетбольный мяч, бейсбольный мяч, хоккейный мяч, волейбольные мяч, мяч для пинг-понга, мяч для регби, мяч для игры в крокет, мяч для бочче, мячи для художественной гимнастики и другое оборудование относящиеся к вспомогательному.
  • Надувные мячи: мячи для водного поло, баскетбольные мячи, волейбольные мячи, мячи для регби, футбольные мячи и т.д. во время авиаперевозки нужно обратить внимание на то, чтобы воздух в мячи не превышал номинального давления, при необходимости спустить воздух из мяча.
  • Другие вспомогательные средства: такие как сумка для бейсбола, база для бейсбола, перчатки для бейсбола, перчатки, средства защиты и т.д., могут быть разрешены на основании особых обстоятельств, обычных ситуация могут перевозиться.

Оборудование для боулинга

  • Основные требования:
    1. ①Набор оборудования для боулинга включает: 1-3 шара для боулинга: Хайнаньская авиалиния позволяет положить в одну сумку самое большее три шара; одну сумку для боулинга; одну пару обуви для боулинга;

    2. ②Чистящее средство для боулинга, в котором содержится ацетон и спирт превышающий 70% общей массы объема, считается легковоспламеняющимся веществом, и не может перевозиться в качестве багажа или ручной клади.

  • Образцы ящиков допустимых для перевозки: четыре штуки оснащенных сумок для боулинга, две сумки для боулинга, она сумка для боулинга.
    A package with a capacity for four bowling balls, a package with a capacity for two bowling balls and a package with a capacity for one bowling ball

Оснащение для виндсерфинга

  • Доска для виндсерфинга должна быть упакована в специально приспособленном для перевозки прочный и жесткий контейнер. Если не упакована в такой контейнер, то на доску для виндсерфинга клеится пункт о снятии ответственности за багаж (производится во время получения посадочного талона), Хайнаньская авиалиния не может потом осуществить выплату компенсации этому багажу, и нет способа осуществить оплату заявленной цены багажа.

Туристическое оборудование

  • Хайнаньская авиалиния позволяет туристическое оборудование заменить бесплатным багажом. Туристическое оборудование включает в себя, но не ограничивается, следующими вещими: палатка, рюкзак или чемодан, спальный мешок.
  • Ткани, пластик, винил и другие изделия из износостойких материалов, а так же алюминиевые рамы, наружные карманы, ремни, зажимы и прочие предметы могут быть перевезены в качестве хрупких предметов.
  • Хайнаньская авиалиния не несет ответственность за повреждения хрупких предметов. Согласно пункту об опасных веществах, например, фонари, кухонные плиты, отопительное оборудование на жидком топливе, пропан, бутан или аналогичные вещества не разрешаются перевозиться в качестве багажа.


  • Хайнаньские авиалинии только принимают обездвиженный туристический, спортивный или двухместный велосипед в качестве багажа для погрузки;
  • Хайнаньские авиалинии позволяют пассажиру транспортировать один немоторизованный велосипед или два немоторизованных велосипеда упакованных в один ящик для погрузки.
  • Во избежание различных неудобств, мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрировать эти предметы и/ или поместить в багаж:велосипед.
  • Необходимые подготовительные работы во время погрузки велосипеда:
    1. ①Велосипедные педали должны быть сняты (или повернуты вовнутрь);

    2. ②Поручни обязательно должны быть повернуты в одну сторону;

    3. ③Положить велосипед в специальный для транспортировки прочный ящик или в мешок;

    4. ④Пожалуйста, спустите воздух из шин, в целях безопасности.

  • Приемлемый багажа
    A folding bicycle bag, a tightening bag for bulk bicycles and a bicycle box with sold shells

Оснащение для гольфа

  •  Комплект снаряжения для гольфа определяется как максимум: 14 бит, 12 шаров и 1 пара обуви. 
  • Образцы ящиков допустимые к перевозке оснащения для гольфа: твердый ящик, мягкая сумка, мягкая сумка на колесиках.
    A hard-sided box, a soft bag and a soft bag with wheels


  1. The javelins must be tied together and placed in a hard case
  2. If the javelins are not placed in a hard case then when checking in an “Exempt from liability” tag will be placed on the container, to show that HNA will not compensate for any damaged baggage and the baggage declared value cannot be purchased for javelins.
  • General Rules
    (1)According to the relevant regulations of the Chinese Civil Aviation, Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air reject any application for firearms transportation by any entity or individual without the firearms licence. Entities or individuals that need to transport firearms must truthfully declare to the public security organs the variety and quantity of firearms transported, the route and mode of transportation, and obtain the permission for firearm transport. If transported within the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the application shall be made to the public security organ of the municipal people's government to where the firearms are transported for the permission for firearm transport. If transported across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the application shall be made to the public security organ of the provincial people's government to where the firearms are transported for the permission for firearm transport. Before applying for firearm transport, please submit the permission originals to Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air.
    (2) According to the regulations on the transport of dangerous goods, the checked ammunition should be 1.4S ammunition (UN0012 or UN0014 only) with strong packing, which is only used by sports competition groups, and can be carried only after getting the approval of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air. The gross weight carried by each passenger shall not exceed 5kg (11Ib), excluding explosive or incendiary projectiles. Ammunition carried by two or more passengers shall not be combined into one or several packages. Passengers are required to provide the Authentication Report/Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to prove that the goods carried meet the above requirements.
    (3)Guns and ammunition shall not be counted in the free baggage allowance, but shall be charged as excess baggage (Apart from the air routes that charge by piece concept, overweight baggage on global routes is charged by weight concept, and the rate for 1 kg of excess baggage is charged 1.5% of the Hainan Airlines published one-way full fare economy class passenger ticket price on the day when the excess baggage ticket is issued. Please click here for the specific charging standard of the air routes charging by piece concept). The bullets of passengers in a group shall not be packaged and checked in a combined way, and must be packed separately.
    (4) Our company is only in charge of the ground support of the passengers flying on the flight segments undertaken by Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air. If it is a flight on other flight segments, or combined transport with other airlines, please contact the combined transport airlines for handling.
  • Transport Permission
    (1)Where a foreign sports delegation needs to check the firearms for sports to participate in shooting competition events in China, the passengers shall provide the approval certificate from the sports administration of the State Council.
    (2) Where a sports delegation of China needs to check the firearms for sports to participate in shooting competition events out of China, the passengers shall provide the approval certificates from the sports administration of the State Council of China, the transit country and the destination country.
    (3)Where firearms need to be carried in shooting competition events in China, passengers shall possess the approval of the competent sports authorities of the State Council and hold the firearm transport permission issued by the local provincial public security organ.
    (4) If foreign hunters need to bring shotguns into the territory of China, passengers must hold the approval certificate of the Ministry of Public Security of China.
  • Packaging Requirements: The packing of transported firearms and ammunition should be produced according to regulations. The package should be safe and closed. Firearms and ammunition must be separately placed in lockable boxes with sealing strips.
  • Acceptable Boxes for Checking
  • Guns/Ammunition Checking
  • Passengers should transport their articles to the airport for the handling of checking formalities 120 minutes prior to the departure time of the flight on the day of travel.

    Passengers should not carry alcoholic beverages on board(Except for duty-free items purchased in the quarantine area of the terminal building or on board, provided that there is a purchase voucher and absolute confirmation has made through a safety inspection), but they can check them in as checked baggage. When alcoholic beverages are transported as checked baggage, the labels should be clear and placed inside the retail packaging. The quantity should comply with the following regulations:

  1. There is no limit on the quantity of alcoholic beverages with an alcohol by volume percentage of 24% or less.
  2. Alcoholic beverages with an alcohol by volume percentage ranging from 24% to 70% (inclusive of 70%) are considered dangerous goods for air transportation. The specific requirements are as follows:
  3. (1) If each inner package is less than or equal to 5 litres, it can be checked as checked baggage for transportation; and the net quantity of checked baggage per passenger cannot exceed 5 litres.

    (2) If each inner package is larger than 5 litres, it must be transported as cargo and cannot be transported as luggage.

  4. Alcoholic beverages with an alcohol by volume percentage of more than 70% are not allowed to be transported as luggage.
  1. Авиакомпания не принимает вещи к перевозке на посадочном месте. В случае перевозки дипломатической почты или иных вещей, перевозка которых должна осуществляться на посадочном месте, необходимо обратиться в авиакомпанию с запросом. Перевозка вещей на посадочном месте возможно только после подтверждения авиакомпанией.
  2. В стоимость посадочного места для вещей не входит бесплатный провоз багажа. Провозимый багаж оплачивается отдельно двумя способами: 1)Согласно весу багажа по тарифу за сверхнормативный багаж; 2) 75% от тарифа в одну сторону по классу бронирования билета пассажира.
  3. Пассажир сам несет ответственность за перевозимые на посадочном месте вещи. Вес перевозимых на посадочном месте вещей не должен превышать 72 кг при выполнении внутренних рейсов и 75 кг при выполнении международных рейсов. Размеры не должны превышать 40*60*100 см. Для перевозимых на посадочном месте вещей, превышающих габаритные требования, можно организовать грузовую перевозку.
  4. Перевозимые на посадочном месте вещи должны быть хорошо упакованы, чтобы не причинить вред другим пассажирам и сотрудникам авиакомпании.
  5. Перевозимые на посадочном месте вещи не должны загораживать запасной выход и проход.
  6. Перевозимые на посадочном месте вещи не должны загораживать таблички «пристегните ремни», «курить запрещено» и «запасной выход» для других пассажиров.
  7. Для обеспечения безопасности полета, посадочные места для пассажира и перевозимых им вещей предоставляются не по желанию пассажира, а по назначению авиакомпании. Вещи на посадочном месте во время полета должны быть зафиксированы ремнем безопасности.
  8. Если рейс осуществляется совместно с другими авиакомпаниями, необходимо согласовать перевозку с данными компаниями.

1. Musical Instruments, Electrical Appliances and Precision Instruments

(1)Precision Instruments include precision measuring instruments, precision astronomical observation instruments, precision remote sensing instruments, precision measurement and control instruments, precision medical instruments and other high-tech equipments with automated, digital, intelligent, comprehensive and multi-dimensional, dynamic measuring functions. Common precision instruments include various water quality analysis instruments, environmental testing instruments, microscopes, pipettes, incubators, drying equipment, weighing apparatus, spectral analysis instruments, chromatography instruments, test chambers, lab supplies, lab equipment, life scientific instruments, optical instruments, physical testing equipment, food testing equipment, Drug testing instruments, textile instruments, petroleum instruments, medical equipment, etc

(2)Electrical Appliances refer to all appliances that use electricity. From a professional point of view, they mainly refer to electrical devices, equipment and components which connect and break a circuit and transform circuit parameters to achieve control, regulation, switching, detection and protection of circuits or electrical equipment. From a general point of view, they mainly refer to electrical equipment commonly used at home for convenience, such as televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, computers, and various small household appliances.

(3)Musical instruments refer to instruments that can produce musical sounds and be used for musical art re-creation. Musical instruments are divided into the two categories of Chinese national instruments and Western instruments.

A.Chinese national musical instruments are divided into:

a.Idiophones: such as the gong, wooden fish, and cymbal.

b.Membranophones: such as the peace drum, and octagonal drum.

c.Aerophones: such as the trombone, nomad flute, whistle, cucurbit flute, and suona.

d.Chordophones: such as the qiang, liuqin, pipa, erhu, and morin khuur.

B.Western musical instruments are divided into:

a.Stringed instruments: such as the violin, viola, cello, harp, electric guitar, and bass guitar.

b.Woodwind instruments: such as the flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, and saxophone.

c.Brass-wind instruments: such as the trumpet, cornet, tuba, trombone, and horn.

d.Keyboard instruments: such as the piano, accordion, and electronic organ.

e.Percussion: such as the kettle drum, xylophone.

2. Regulations for Transport:

(1) Precise instruments, electrical appliances and other items apart from musical instruments should be transported as goods. If a passenger insists on transporting these items as checked baggage, the following requirements shall be met:

A.Size Requirements: Consistent with the checked baggage size requirements.

B.Packing Requirements: precise instruments, electrical appliances and other items must have the factory packing or the packing that meets the requirements of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air. Passengers are advised to pack precise instruments and electrical appliances in hard cases and with padding contents inside the cases to prevent them from shaking left and right during transportation and causing unnecessary damage.

C.Charging Requirements:The weight of precise instruments, electrical appliances and other items shall be included in the free baggage allowance, If they exceed the limit, For the air routes charging by weight concept, the transportation expenses shall be charged as excess baggage; For the air routes charging by piece concept, It shall be charged at a standard rate. Requirements for the Features of Articles: No checked baggage transportation is allowed for precise instruments, electrical appliances and other items containing nine categories of dangerous goods (explosives, gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, spontaneously combustible substances, substances that release flammable gases when touching water, oxidants and organic peroxides, toxic substances and infectious substances, radioactive substances, corrosive substances and miscellaneous dangerous goods). When handling the transport of unknown or suspected dangerous goods, the staff of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air shall ask you to provide a test report issued by a dangerous goods authentication institution or the product manufacturers recognized by the Civil Aviation Administration to prove that the baggage will not cause danger to air transportation. Our company may refuse to check and transport the goods that the inspection report of them cannot be provided or the inspection report does not meet the requirements.

D.Requirements for the Checking of Baggage: precise instruments and electrical appliances belong to the category of fragile and easily damaged items. When checking them, the staff members of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air shall attach the liability exemption baggage tag to your baggage. You are kindly requested to fill in the liability exemption baggage tag properly and sign it as required. Precise instruments, electrical appliances and other items shall not be declared their value.

(2)The specific requirements for musical instrument transportation are as follows:

A.Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air shall accept musical instruments that do not exceed the limits of size and weight as checked baggage or the baggage placed on cabin baggage rack.

B. Dimensional Requirements

Note: Passengers carrying musical instruments that exceed the specified limits shall check them in after obtaining approval from Hainan Airlines. If these musical instruments cannot be accommodated as checked baggage, they will be subject to the provisions for air cargo transport.

C.Packing Requirements: For checked baggage, passenger must put the musical instrument in a dedicated hard or pressure-proof container. The baggage can only be checked on condition that it has the factory packing or its packing meets the requirements of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air. Passengers are advised to pack musical instruments in hard cases and with padding contents inside the cases to prevent them from shaking during transportation and unnecessary damage.

D.When checking musical instruments, the staff members of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air shall attach the liability exemption baggage tag to your baggage. You are kindly requested to fill in the liability exemption baggage tag properly and sign it as required. Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air does not bear any responsibility for the damage or delay occurring in the transportation of musical instruments. Musical instruments shall not be declared its value as baggage.

  1. Hainan Airlines принимает к перевозке все виды инвалидных колясок, используемые человеком (в том числе складные и не складные ручные инвалидные коляски, электрические/с батарейкой питания инвалидные коляски и электрические тележки для багажа). Чтобы осуществить перевозку инвалидной коляски она должна соответствовать правилам Hainan Airlines.
  2. Помимо регистрируемого багажа Hainan Airlines разрешает бесплатно провозить инвалидную коляску нуждающимся в ней пассажирам. Инвалидную коляску для перевозки можно передать сотрудникам аэропорта у выхода на посадку, однако по причине ограниченного пространства в самолете и размеров разных типов инвалидных колясок, пожалуйста, заранее свяжитесь с представителем авиакомпании для урегулирования вопроса.
  3. Прочие устройства для перемещения: костыли, трость, опора, протез Hainan Airlines рассматриваетс как специальные вещи пассажиров, которые можно проносить в салон самолета помимо стандартного лимита ручной клади.
  1. В дополнение к правилам, установленным администрацией аэропорта, авиакомпания разрешает пассажирам перевозить детские коляски на борту самолета.
  2. Если размер детской коляски в разложенном или сложенном виде не превышает 20×40×55см, коляску разрешается перевозить в салоне самолета, разместив в багажных полках либо под сидением впереди стоящего кресла.
  3. Если размер детской коляски в разложенном или сложенном виде превышает 20×40×55см, необходимо обратиться к сотрудникам авиакомпании во время регистрации для решения вопроса.

Human ashes

1. Definition: it refers to cremated remains that human bones have turned into after the human body has been incinerated.

2. Transportation requirements: human ashes shall be transported as cargo. Under the premise of complying with the applicable regulations of Hainan Airlines, they may be transported as checked baggage or carried into the cabin. In the event that the transportation does not meet the relevant requirements set by Hainan Airlines, Hainan Airlines reserves the right to refuse carriage.

(1) Carriage as hand baggage:

A. The ashes may be carried in the cabin by the passenger and placed in the overhead bin, provided that the outer packaging and the emotions of the passenger carrying the ashes do not cause awareness or discomfort among other passengers on the same flight.

B. Packaging requirements: The ashes shall be properly sealed within an urn or other airtight containers, with the outermost layer packed as regular luggage (e.g., in cloth).

C. If you need to purchase a seat-occupying ticket to accommodate the baggage with an urn, please adhere to the seat-occupying baggage regulations. For your convenience and that of other passengers, priority will be given to assigning window seats for placing your urn.

(2) Carriage as checked baggage:

A. Packaging requirements: The ashes shall be packed in a closed plastic bag or other airtight containers, with an outer wooden box or other sturdy packaging.

a. Checked as a separate piece of baggage: The urn may be placed inside a wooden box or cardboard box, with soft padding in the interstices for protection.

b. Checked in a suitcase: The urn can be protected by clothing or other soft objects between the urn and the suitcase.

B. Charges: It can be included within the passenger's free baggage allowance, and any portion exceeding the allowance will be calculated as excess baggage. Hainan Airlines will only assume liabilities for general checked baggage.

C. Note: Due to certain transportation risks associated with transporting ashes as checked baggage, it is strongly recommended to choose to carry them as hand baggage.

3. Other considerations: When transporting ashes, it is advisable to carry relevant documents, such as a death certificate issued by the health department, a cremation certificate issued by the funeral department, and other supporting documentation for inspection by airport security, customs, quarantine departments, etc. Please consult your local airport in advance for specific requirements.

Donation of human organs and other tissues

Dear passengers,

In order to abide by the humanitarian spirits of “respecting for life and handling special cases with special methods”, Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air provide service of human organ transportation with restrictive conditions on the premise of ensuring security of air transportation.

Human organs may be damaged or expire when the flights are abnormal (delay, cancellation, course reversal or diversion) due to packaging, storage problems or other uncontrollable factors such as weather, air traffic control, military activities, public security and so on. Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air will be exempted from all the losses arising from transportation if they cannot be proved to be in fault.

If you decide to choose Hainan Airlines or Grand China Air for transportation when you carry with human organs, please read below instructions carefully. Have a good flight.

I. Range of application

Donated human organs refer to all or part of the organs such as heart, liver, kidney, lung or pancreas which are taken from human organ donors and have specific functions.

II. Applicable airlines

It is applicable to domestic self-operated flights (excluding chartered flights and code-sharing flights) of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air (HU/CN).

III. Application for transportation and handling requirements

1. Since we need to arrange transportation service of human organs and make sure you have adequate time to prepare packaging and documents, please dial 24-hour ticket-booking service hotline 95339 or contact the direct ticket office of Hainan Airlines or Grand China Air for applying for transportation of human organs 24 hours in advance before flight departure (Staff of Organ Procurement Organization (hereafter referred to as OPO) should apply at least 4 hours in advance before flight departure).

2. After getting the consent of transportation, you need to carry the baggage with packaging meeting the requirement of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air for human organ transportation and the required documentary evidences to check in for transportation of human organs in check-in counter of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air.

3. If the baggage of human organs you carry is outside the range of carry-on Baggage, you need to purchase tickets of seat-occupying baggage.

4. When handling transportation formalities of human organs, you need to read and fill in Transportation Agreement of Human Organs (click here to view) carefully and accept the risks that may occur in air transportation.

IV. Transportation conditions

1. Mode of transportation: human organs carried by passengers are only accepted to be taken as cabin baggage (carry-on baggage or seat-occupying baggage) for transportation and passengers should take care of the organs on their own during transportation process.

2. Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air do not carry medical wastes (body wastes produced during diagnosis and treatment process such as stump and carcass from medical experiment). Such items cannot be taken as baggage for transportation.

3. Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air do not provide transportation service for human organs if:

(1) Human organs carried by the passengers are packed in an unprofessional container not meeting requirement of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air for transportation.

(2) Passengers have not made full preparations for transportation, for example, the transportation documentary evidences are incomplete and the hospitals issuing documentary evidences are not qualified.

(3) Passengers refuse to fill in Transportation Agreement of Human Organs.

V. Document requirement

In order to make sure you have a smooth trip, please prepare relevant transportation documents according to following requirements:

1. Passengers carrying human donated organs should show the Confirmation of Organ Reception in Transplantation Center issued by OPO.

2. You can log in to the website of National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China (click here to enter)– service – list inquiry to access the latest information of the list of medical institutions which have practicing qualifications of human organ transplantation.

VI. Matters needing attention for packaging

Professional transportation containers are vital to safe transportation of human organs and we specially remind you of carefully referring to the packaging requirement in this regard:

1. Please use professional transportation containers with effective heat preservation and shockproof functions and such containers should also be easy to carry and have good tightness (no smell, no liquid leakage).

2. The appearance of containers cannot have influence on other passengers and will not be damaged due to cabin pressure change or turbulence on a flight and a dedicated mark of human donated organ transportation should be pasted on the outstanding positions outside the containers.

VII. Notice for special circumstances

1. Unable to travel according to the original scheduled time

(1) If the flights are delayed temporarily and you have not checked in, please inform the staff of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air of whether the delay will have an influence on your travel when you carry human organs and ticket change requirements. The staff will assist you in handling ticket refund and change formalities.

(2) If the flights are delayed temporarily after you have checked in, the staff of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air will inform you of the information about the delay of the flights. Please tell the staff whether to refund or change the tickets according the flight information and the staff will assist you in handling relevant formalities.

(3) If the flights are delayed on a large scale due to uncontrollable factors such as weather, air traffic control, public security in your departure airport, you are suggested to choose other transportation tools, and Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air will assist you in transfer and handling refund formalities.

2. Non-medical institution staff carry human organs to take the flights

When the scientific research institutions, public security organs, institute of pharmaceutics carry human organs to take the flights for business purpose, the documentary evidences held by them should indicate the legitimate source and purpose of the organs to be transported and whether the organs are infectious, the relevant responsible persons of the units should sign and leave a phone number (telephone number if possible) on the documents and the documents should be stamped with an official seal. If it is proved that your documentary evidences meet the requirements and you have obtained the consent of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air, the human organs can be transported according to their service program.

3. Apply for transportation of human organs not meeting the transportation regulations

When the passengers apply for taking the flights by carrying the human organs not meeting the transportation regulations (which mainly refer to the stump of passengers due to a traffic accident) and insist on transportation, they should prove that the stump belongs to themselves, provide the proof issued by the hospitals that the stump is not infectious and does not fall within medical waste, and then sign on the terms of “Other Agreement- Transportation Agreement of Human Organs”. After the consent of Hainan Airlines is obtained, the human organs should be transported according to the corresponding transportation service procedures.

4. OPO staff does not carry the Confirmation or the Confirmation fails to be verified.

When the OPO staff does not carry the Confirmation, the staff of Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air will call the 24-hour emergency telephone number of the Human Organ Donation Transfer Passenger Channel of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China to verify the relevant situation, and may ask the relevant personnel to provide a copy of the Confirmation.

If the Confirmation fails to pass the inspection, we will treat the OPO staff as ordinary passengers, and there is no need to open a green channel for them, and security inspection, baggage transportation and other work will be carried out in accordance with the normal procedures, and OPO staff should undertake the losses arising thereof.

Attachment: Confirmation of Organ Reception in Transplantation Center(click here to view

VIII. Other matters

1.Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air will provide service guarantee for air transportation activities of hematopoietic stem cells, blood and other human tissues used to save patients' lives according to the requirements of human organ donation.

2. Hainan Airlines and Grand China Air will provide ground facilitation guarantee services for human tissues such as hematopoietic stem cells, blood (including serum, plasma, blood products, etc.), and corneas not used to save patients' lives on the premise of ensuring aviation safety according to the needs of passengers. Please prepare in advance:

(1) Evidentiary materials: a proof of sterility, non-toxicity and functional use should be issued and the proof should reflect the issuing unit, official seal or signature.

(2) Packaging requirement: If such items need to be refrigerated, the following professional transportation containers (as shown in the pictures, just for reference) are usually used. Please pay attention to whether dangerous goods such as dry ice are carried, and the requirements of air transportation of dangerous goods, packaging size and other baggage collection and transportation requirements must be met.

(3) Transportation Agreement, please read and fill in Transportation Agreement of Human Organs carefully and accept the risks that may occur in air transportation.

If you have doubts, feedback, opinions or suggestions, please log into the official website of Hainan Airlines (www.hnair.com) or dial 24-hour ticket-booking service hotline +86-898-95339 for consultation.